Aqua (79) cover 77
Il dominio del blu lascia intravedere il ritorno di un trademark powerprog spompato.
Arising Thunder (83) Awake from darkness (81) Lease of Life (79)
The Rage of the waters (80) Spirit of the Air (77) Hollow (79)
A Monster in her Eyes (78) Weakness of a man (74) Ashes (77)
Aurora consurgens (80) cover 65
Gli Angra non tradiscono mai...c u in concert!
The course of nature (80) The voice commanding you (80) Ego painted grey (82)
Breaking ties (77) Salvation suicide (83) Window to nowhere (82) So near so far (84)
Passing by (82) Scream your heart out (79) Abandoned fate (75)
Temple of shadows (77) cover 86
Concept ambizioso ma impersonale. Venature prog rallentano il ritmo.
Spread your fire (80) Angels and demons (83) Waiting silence (82) Wishing well (74)
The temple of hate (90) The shadow hunter (69) No pain for the dead (80)
Winds of destination (80) Sprouts of time (68) Morning star (70) Late redemption (72)
Rebirth (79) cover 74
L'album della rinascita dopo l'addio d Matos...continuità nello stile.
Nova era (80) Millennium sun (76) Acid rain (90) Heroes of sand (77)
Unholy wars (92) Rebirth (73) Judgement day (78)
Running alone (77) Visions prelude (70)
Fireworks (83) cover 61
La sintesi xfetta degli elementi dei primi 2 album. Capolavoro riconosciuto.
Wings of reality (78) Petrified eyes (85) Lisbon (92) Metal Icarus (91)
Paradise (76) Machine mystery (76) Fireworks (86) Extreme dream (87)
Gentle change (81) Speed (80)
Holy land (76) cover 68
Album Brazilian style, ricco d rikiami alla musica tradizionale e d mid-tempo.
Nothing to say (82) Silence and distance (74) Carolina IV (75) Holy land (75)
The shaman (77) Make believe (78) Z.I.T.O. (78) Deep blue (72)
Angels cry (78) cover 70
Il debut ancora molto power e poco progressive
Carry on (85) Time (78) Angels cry (80) Stand away (76) Never understand (82)
Streets of tomorrow (77) Evil warning (78) Lasting child (68)
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