CONSTRUCT (80) cover 52
rispetto e tradizioni, l'innovazione inaridita da una carriera ventennale
For broken words (77) The science of noise (81) Uniformity (80)
The silence in between (80) Apathetic (83) What only you know (79)
Endtime hearts (80) State of trust (81) Weight of the end (80) None becoming (78)
WE ARE THE VOID (80) cover 46
Il vibe è giusto, il ritmo fossilizzato sul mid-tempo...
Shadow in our blood (82) Dream oblivion (81) The Fatalist (79)
In my absence (80) The Grandest Accusation (78)
At the point of ignition (80) Her silent language (81) Arkhanglesk (79)
I am the void (80) Surface the infinite (80) Iridium (79)
Fiction (80) cover 77
Best modern DT? Un concentrato degli stili degli ultimi album...
Nothing to no one (82) The lesser faith (82) Terminus (81) Blind at heart (80)
Icipher (81) Inside the particle storm (78) Empty me (83) Misery's crown (77)
Focus shift (80) The mundane and the magic (77)
Character (78) cover 61
La matrice death delle origini viene recuperata nel contesto d un songwriting un po' monocorde e rallentato...
The new build (82) Through smudged lenses (83) Out of nothing (80)
The endless feed (76) Lost to apathy (85) Mind matters (74)
One thought (77) Dry run (77) Am I 1? (75) Senses tied (77)
My negation (78)
Damage done (81) cover 42
Suoni e melodie moderne k rimandano agli ultimi In Flames pre-Nu...
Final resistance (85) Hours passed in exile (81) Monochromatic stains (84)
Single part of two (79) The treason wall (83) Format C: For Cortex (77)
Damage done (77) Cathode ray sunshine (80) The enemy (82)
White noise/Black silence (83) Ex nihilo (78)
Haven (81) cover 46
Splendido esempio d elettronica al servizio del metal...
The wonders at you feet (83) Not built to last (80) Indifferent suns (84)
Feast of burden (81) Haven (82) Fabric (78) Ego drama (78) Rundown (80)
Emptier still (80) At loss for words (82) Cornered (81)
Projector (83) cover 51
Romantica svolta sperimentale verso il gothic tra voci pulite e tastiere...
FreeCard (90) ThereIn (87) UnDo control (88) Auctioned (80)
To a bitter halt (80) The sun fired blanks (83) Nether novas (82)
Day to end (78) Dobermann (85) On your time (81)
The Mind's I (80) cover 60
Medesima ricetta dei precedenti, la voce femminile a impreziosire il growl...
Dreamlore degenerate (82) Zodijackyl light (83) Hedon (83)
Scythe, rage and roses (78) Constant (77) Dissolution factor red (77)
Insanity's crescendo (86) Still moving sinews (81) Atom heart 243.5 (79)
Tidal tantrum (80) Tounges (78) The mind's eye (80)
The Gallery (80) cover 62
Cupo, intimista e violento: il suono emerge dalle tenebre...
Punish my heaven (82) Silence and the firmament withdrew (82)
Edenspring (80) The dividing line (82) The gallery (77)
The one brooding warning (78) Midway through infinity (79) Lethe (78)
The emptiness from which I fed (80) Mine is the grandeur (78)
Of melancholy burning (82)
Skydancer Chaos (80) cover 50
Il manifesto dell'oscura tranquillità comincia a trasformarsi in suono...
Nightfall by the shore of time (80) Crimson winds (80)
A bolt of blazing gold (82) In tears bereaved (77) Skywards (78)
Through ebony archways (80) Shadow duet (78) My faeryland forgotten (81)
Alone (80) Of chaos and eternal night (85) With the flaming shades of fall (80)
Away, delight, away (82)
all along we keep staring at the sun...
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