STAND UP AND FIGHT (79) cover 60
The March of the Varangian Guard (79) Take the Day! (79)
Hunting Pirates (78) Vetoi! Oivoi! (80) Stand Up and Fight (80)
The Great Escape (79) Fear the Fear (79)
End of an Empire (78) The Bosphorus Freezes Over (77)
The Varangian Way (82) cover 75
To Holmgard and beyond (83) A portage to the unknown (82)
Cursed be iron (81) Fields of gold (80)
In the court of Jarisleif (81) Five hundred and one (81)
The Dneper rapids (82) Miklagard overture (83)
Battle Metal (81) cover 61
As torches rise (81) Battle metal (80) The land of hope and glory (82)
The messenger (83) One more (80) Midnight sunrise (82)
Among ancestors (81) Rex regi rebellis (80)
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