I shall hang myself!
EARTH SICK (81) cover 70
Florence longing
Earthsick (83) Plague and pray (82) Decanted embryos (79)Dominant genetics (83) H.I.V. (81) World damnatomy (80)
Soul-borne maladies (80) Serpent verse (79)
Florence is so far away now...Thanks Clode for dedicating me 'I shall hang myself''
The Hatch Opens (83) Void Made Flesh (84) All Vanishing Ruins (82) The Descent (80)
Wretched Creatures (82) Shining Hades (82) Graveyard of Angels (84)
SKYMORPHOSIS (84) cover 72
Gory Blister is moving on their own path towards metallic perfection
Asteroid (85) Sailing to Achernar (83) Skymorphosis (83) Blood sweating wall (84)
I shall hang myself (88) Quasars (83) Black canvas (85) The missing planet (84)
Shader (81) The soul-slitters (80)
ART BLEEDS (81) cover 77
Mainstream doesn't mean that they're better than what the underground has to offer
Primordial scenery (82) As blood moves (80) Art bleeds (82) Anticlimax (83)
Cognitive sinergy (79) Snowfall (78) A gout from the scar (82)
Comet...and her trail of spiritual dust (79)
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