Dal death al prog, passando per un approccio sinfonico che ha lasciato capolavori immortali. La lunga histoire di Chris Johnsson e dei suoi guests.
SITRA AHRA (81) cover 68
Sitra Ahra (80) Kings of Edom (80) Unguentum Sabbati (83) Land of Canaan (82)
Hellequin (80) 2012 (80) Cu Chulain (81) Kali Yuga III (83) The Shells Are Open (78)
Din (82) After the Inquisition (80)
Gothic Kabbalah (82) cover 74
Der Mitternachtlöwe (84) Gothic Kabbalah (83) The Perrennial Sophia (84)
Wisdom And The Cage (85) Son Of The Staves Of Time (79) Tuna 1613 (81)
Trul (83) Close Up The Streams (80) The Wand of Abaris (80)
Three Treasures (83) Path to Arcady (84) TOF The Trinity (84)
Chain of Minerva (83) The Falling Stone (80) Adulruna Rediviva (82)
Sirius B (82) cover 65
The Blood Of Kingu (84) Son Of The Sun (83) The Khlysti Evangelist (80)
Dark Venus Persephone (81) Kali Yuga (83) The Wondrous World Of Punt (79)
Melek Taus (82) Call Of Dagon (84) Sirius B (80) Voyage Of Gurdjieff (86)
Lemuria (83) cover 66 POPULAR
Typhon (82) Uthark Runa (83) Three Ships Of Berik (83) Lemuria (83)
Quetzalcoatl (82) The Dreams Of Swedenborg (82)
An Arrow From The Sun (82) Abraxas (83) Prometheus Entfesselt (84)
Secret of the Runes (82) cover 60
Ginnungagap (84) Midgård (82) Asgård (82) Jotunheim (81)
Schwarzalbenheim (83) Ljusalfheim (80) Muspalhaim (82) Nifelheim (83)
Vanaheim (80) Helheim (82) Secret of the Runes (81)
Deggial (82) cover 44
Seven Secrets Of The Sphinx (82) Eternal Return (84) Enter Vril-Ya (84)
Ship Of Luna (77) The Invincible (82) Deggial (83) Emerald Crown (83)
The Flight Of The Lord Of Flies (81) Flesh Of The Gods (81) Via Nocturna (82)
Vovin (82) cover 48
The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah (82) Birth Of Venus Illegitima (83)
Wine Of Aluqah (83) Clavicula Mox (82) The Wild Hunt (83) Eye Of Shiva (83)
Black Sun (80) Draconian Trilogy (81) Raven Of Dispersion (82)
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